Salton Sea was created accidentally in 1905, eventually becoming a resort town where many Hollywood elite and vacationers built modern desert homes and went boating. Over time Salton Sea collected agricultural runoff due to it being at the lowest elevation in the Colorado Desert. The salinity escalated to such high levels the polluted water caused thousands of fish and birds to die and people abandoned their vacation homes.
This series is part of an ongoing project that documents modern architecture within a North American context. I am intrigued by anomalies that are a combination of natural and man-made. I use my background in architecture and photography as a way to explore different architectural interventions that incorporate the landscape and those that are absorbed back into it. Salton Sea can be understood as a metaphor for consumerism; as an artificial construct in modern culture that eventually gets corrected by the force of nature.
This series is part of an ongoing project that documents modern architecture within a North American context. I am intrigued by anomalies that are a combination of natural and man-made. I use my background in architecture and photography as a way to explore different architectural interventions that incorporate the landscape and those that are absorbed back into it. Salton Sea can be understood as a metaphor for consumerism; as an artificial construct in modern culture that eventually gets corrected by the force of nature.
© 2025 krista jahnke. all rights reserved
photography and website design by krista jahnke